Did you know that ten of the world’s most powerful food and beverage companies control nearly everything we buy at the grocery store?
Their names are not all widely known by the consumers, but their brands are present in almost each and every home. With a combined annual revenue of about US$430 billions, these giants control 70% of what we eat.
They are: Nestlé ($90.3 billion), PepsiCo ($66.5 billion), Unilever ($60 billion), Mondelez International ($60 billion), Coca-Cola ($46.9 billion), Danone ($29.3 billions), Mars ($23 billion), Associated British Foods ($21.1 billion), General Mills ($17.9 billion) and Kellogg’s ($14.8 billion).
Oxfam International keeps a scorecard on the environmental impact of these “Big 10” on a website devoted to the non profit’s “Behind the Brands”.
I invite you to read their report to be aware of the dangers of a convoluted global food system: farmers with fewer buyers for their products, agricultural workers exploited and suffering unsafe conditions, consumers unable to keep track of who’s behind the brands, and massive international conglomerates unaware of what’s happening in their own supply chains.
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