After six months of it being offered behind closed doors, SOSCuisine is officially launching the new Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) meal plan, ie one that is high in fats and low in carbohydrates. Since our meal plan is a little different from others of a similar kind, I will now take you behind the scenes to better understand the LCHF of SOSCuisine.
We wanted to preserve balance and a good diversity in the food you will be eating; that’s why our LCHF meal plan is different from others you might find on the web that are also low in carbohydrates and high in fat.
Firstly, let me explain that not all LCHF plans use so-called “good” fats. In fact, they usually encourage the free consumption of cream, bacon and cold meats, cheese and butter… which in the long term could not only cause cardiovascular problems, but also increase the risk of certain cancers, such as colon cancer.
SOSCuisine’s Low Carb High Fat meal plan, on the other hand, encourages the consumption of good mono- and polyunsaturated fats, which are found, for example, in olive and canola oil, fish, avocado and nuts and seeds.
Since our LCHF meal plan contains good sources of fat (olive oil, fatty fish, nuts and seeds) – which are usually higher in price, and fewer legumes and whole grains – which are less expensive, it can be a bit more expensive than our other meal plans.
That being said, our Low Carb High Fat meal plan combined with the discounted grocery prices we regularly bring your way, should definitely make our meal plan option less expensive than a traditional LCHF diet!
In the majority of traditional LCHF diets, they suggest little or no grain products, but in ours we do…
Why this?
Because we know that whole-grain cereals (full of fiber!) help maintain healthy gut microbiota and a healthier body overall because of it. That’s why we’ve included small amounts of whole grain cereal products each day on our LCHF meal plan.
One might think (with good reason!) that by eliminating several foods from one’s diet, there is a risk of missing something. In a traditional LCHF diet for example, there is a risk of not consuming enough of certain B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, potassium, vitamin C and fiber. This is largely because much of the grains, cereals and fruits have been eliminated.
But there’s good news! In our LCHF meal plans, we were careful to include enough fruit and grains to meet all of your vitamin and mineral needs, while at the same time keeping the right proportions of each of the macronutrients (lipids-carbohydrates-proteins).
For more information on our Low Carb High Fat meal plan, and to subscribe, please click here!
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