Comments on: Benefits of soy Eating well made easy Mon, 01 Feb 2016 19:14:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Muryn Fri, 08 Apr 2011 19:29:16 +0000 There are a lot of talk against soy if you search the web for it. Are they extreme talk or hide some bit of truth (as the issue you guys mentioned previously to my comment), I leave you to be the judge. Dr. Mercola ( which I follow for health topics, also talk against soy, but talk in favor of fermented soy product, like Miso, Natto, etc.

Miso is well known, Natto is less known, but apparently for the japaneses it is like the poutine for the quebecers, some miss it when oversea 😉 I did not find the taste that bad, but it can look ugly for people that are not willing to try. In Montreal, you can find it in some japanese/korean stores easily, along with Kim-Chi! 😉

Lately I have also try edamame (raw?), it is an interesting taste nonetheless. Is it less healthy because I don’t think that is fermented? Well I don’t know.

By: Endi Fri, 08 Apr 2011 15:23:39 +0000 Soy has some advantages indeed. However, more than 80% of soy cultivated in US is genetically modified and with no tested impacts on long-term human health or the environment. Also, the soy prepared in North-America is not fermeneted and prepared as the soy in Asia. Therefore, many benefits are lost in the preparation process – for e.g. for soy sausages, etc.

Also, there is research that shows even though soy contains calcium, iron and several other minerals, the body does not absorb them well. On the contrary, eating too much soy can block your calcium absorbtion.

I think everything in moderation is good, and always try orgenic if you want to make sure you’re only eating food and not some genes from rats or pesticide compunds.

PS. The stroke and Heart foundation does not endorse soy as the miracle food anymore.

By: Alina Fri, 08 Apr 2011 12:26:57 +0000 There are also studies saying that the best form of soy to be consumed is fermented. Soy has phytic acid which blocks the absorption of the essential minerals. Plus soy is GMO these days.
Best regards!
