Category: Health and Nutrition

Caper, a Delicious Bud

January 19, 2013 No Comments

Did you know that capers are not the fruit, but the flower buds of the caper plant? They are harvested before they begin to open up. They are then dried, salted and pickled in vinegar. This is how they turn into a condiment with a tart and slightly bitter flavour. The smaller the capers, the […]

Food Safety Tips for the Holidays

December 19, 2012 No Comments

To help our readers keep healthy during the holidays, we are publishing here Health Canada’s recommendations Food is an important part of many holiday celebrations. However, many of the foods found at holiday parties, such as baked goods, eggnog, cider, seafood and turkey, can carry viruses, bacteria or parasites that could cause foodborne illness (“food […]

14 November, World Diabetes Day

November 10, 2012 No Comments

Since 1991, 14 November has provided an opportunity for raising public awareness on issues related to the diabetes epidemic, and also on resources available for its prevention. Research has demonstrated beyond any doubt that type 2 diabetes can be prevented or at least deferred by adopting a healthy lifestyle through proper diet, regular exercise and […]

Prevent osteoporosis

November 6, 2012 No Comments

As November is the month of osteoporosis, this is the perfect opportunity to remind everyone about the importance of taking care of our bones. It is diet that provides the necessary foods for building and maintaining bones, mainly with calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and protein. When the body lacks calcium, the skeleton provides the missing calcium. […]

“Dessert? I’ll Pass.”- Could eating less make you live longer?

October 22, 2012 No Comments

This week, I attended “Controversations”: a Nutrition and Health symposium sponsored by The Dairy Farmers of Canada. Over 300 dieticians and I got a chance to listen to the latest research on many hot button nutritional topics. What got my attention was Dr. John R. Speakman*’s talk on calorie restriction and longevity. Could eating less […]

Global Hand Washing Day: 15th October

October 15, 2012 No Comments

Global Hand washing day is celebrated each year on October 15th. The goal is to increase awareness about this “do-it-yourself” vaccine to reduce incidence of diarrhea and acute respiratory infections, which take the lives of millions of children in developing countries. In fact, research shows that, if widely practiced, hand washing with soap could reduce […]

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What our subscribers think about their diabetes meal plan

August 22, 2012 No Comments

We just published the results of our most recent customer satisfaction survey, exactly two years after launching our first specialized meal plans: We asked 580 of our Diabetes Meal Plan subscribers if they are satisfied with SOSCuisine and if the service helped them control their disease. 86% of the respondents say they are better controlling […]


Stroke warning signs

July 31, 2012 No Comments

Stroke is a medical emergency, immediately recognizing and responding to its warning signs can significantly improve survival and recovery. This is the reason why the Heart and Stroke Foundation has launched a new awareness campaign, called “It’s time to have the S-TALK“.

customer satisfaction survey visuel

Our Customers are Very Happy

June 20, 2012 No Comments

This survey was conducted in May 2012 on a sample of 580 Diabetes Meal Plan The questionnaire was validated and answers were compiled by our nutrition team, headed by Danielle Lamontagne, R.D. Customers were asked to: Sort a number of objectives by perceived importance Indicate to what extent the meal plans helped them achieve each […]

Gardening Is Good for Your Health

May 30, 2012 No Comments

We certainly feel like we’ve put in a good day’s work after gardening for hours on end. But is gardening really good exercise? For the most part, yes. According to some scientific studies, gardening compares favourably with other moderate-to-strenuous forms of exercise, like walking and bicycling. But of course, like any other form of exercise, […]

Bike instead of pills

April 9, 2012 No Comments

Recently, I stumbled upon this most interesting piece of news in a : about 50 doctors in the French city of Strasbourg will be allowed to prescribe their patients free use of the local bicycle sharing system, called Vélhop (French equivalent of the Canadian Bixi).

CHUM adopts the “Heart-Healthy” meal plans of SOSCuisine

March 28, 2012 No Comments

It is with great pleasure and tremendous pride that we announce the official launch today, on 28 March 2012, of the 3-year partnership between the Fondation du CHUM (University of Montreal Health Centre) and our company (Sukha Technologies Inc. – SOSCuisine).

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