Category: Health and Nutrition

pain au levain sourdough bread

How to Choose a Low FODMAP Bread?

August 31, 2020 4 Comments

Eating foods that are low in FODMAPs* can be helpful for many individuals by helping them better control their symptoms related to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). However, finding low FODMAP products, like a good bread, can be tricky. If you are currently following a low FODMAP diet, I invite you to read this article to […]

Everything You Need to Know About Histamine Intolerance

August 19, 2020 2 Comments

This article was originally written on August 19, 2020 and updated on November 22, 2023. What is histamine? Histamine is a chemical compound derived from the amino acid histidine. It is known for its role in the body’s immune response to foreign proteins, especially the allergic response. During an allergic reaction, antibodies cause histamine to […]

sport run marathon

Physical Activity: The Best Medicine!

August 17, 2020 2 Comments

The many benefits of physical activity on your physical and psychological health no longer need to be proven. Exercise helps control the effects of aging including the loss of cognitive function, improves your functional capacities, quality of life and even your life expectancy. So that you can live longer and live better!

Obesity and COVID, Is There an Increased Risk?

August 17, 2020 2 Comments

Not all of us are equal in the face of the complications that COVID-19 can cause. It is well known that the elderly, but also those with type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart or kidney failure and cardiovascular disease are more vulnerable. In addition, a growing number of studies tend to show that people […]

méditation meditation

How Do You Practice Meditation?

August 11, 2020 No Comments

We offer you here some tips to introduce you to meditation and help you learn the basics of this ancestral art.

blé fructane wheat

Fructans and the Low-FODMAP Diet

August 11, 2020 No Comments

If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), you must have already heard of the low-FODMAP* diet. This diet is divided into three phases. First of all there is the elimination phase during which one removes from their diet, for 2 to 6 weeks, the 6 families of carbohydrates (Fructans, Lactose, GOS, Fructose, Mannitol and […]

été summer food nourriture manger

Why Is Summer Sometimes Synonymous With Diverticulitis?

July 31, 2020 No Comments

Summer has finally arrived! Which means more sun, barbecue, hikes, swimming and… subscribers signing up for our Diverticulitis meal plan. What is going on?

pizza eating femme woman manger

Why Do I Have Food Cravings Before My Period?

July 28, 2020 No Comments

As a woman, it must have happened to you before to have cravings to eat certain foods just before your period. Have you ever wondered why?


Glyphosate on Our Plates

July 13, 2020 No Comments

Introduced into the market in 1974 by Monsanto, under the brand name Roundup, glyphosate is a herbicide known for its high efficiency. It is the most widely used herbicide in the world. In 20 years, the amount of glyphosate applied in the fields has increased fifteenfold. To eliminate weeds, glyphosate is sprayed on crops throughout […]

allergy allergie peanut arachide

Allergy, Intolerance, and Food Sensitivity: What Is the Difference?

July 6, 2020 No Comments

It is possible to react to the consumption of certain foods through various symptoms such as digestive issues, migraines, rashes, or others. Symptoms can occur at any period during the course of a lifetime. How do you know if it is an allergy, intolerance, or food sensitivity, and how can you identify which foods are […]

Fruits riches en eau

Is Food a Solution to Defeating Candida?

June 19, 2020 No Comments

In order to answer this question let’s start by understanding what candidiasis is, the infection caused by a Candida type of yeast. On the human skin and mucous membranes (mouth, vagina, digestive system) we can find different types of yeast including that of the genus Candida, which includes more than 100 different species, the best […]

noix nuts

Include Nuts in Your Diet to Help You Stay Healthy

June 8, 2020 No Comments

Several studies have suggested that eating nuts improves cardiovascular health and therefore reduces the risk of mortality from cardiovascular diseases. A new international study, including 123 329 participants aged 35 to 70 from 16 countries, was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and confirms this correlation.

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