It’s important to maintain a healthy relationship with food. Examples of behaviors that are associated with an unhealthy relationship with food include:
At the other end of the spectrum, here are some examples of behaviours that are encouraged to maintain a healthy relationship with food:
Here are some important points to consider to help athletes achieve their ideal body composition and race weight.
The goal is to preserve lean body mass (muscle). To do this, the calorie deficit should not be too large or prolonged. Extreme diets and supplements advertised for weight loss are discouraged. High energy restriction can lead to a loss of muscle mass, even if protein intake meets recommendations, whereas slower weight loss helps preserve lean body mass. In addition, restricting energy intake should be avoided when the training load is high, as this can lead to an increased risk of injury, sugar cravings, emotional stress, and decreased athletic performance.
Dietary protein requirements are increased in the event of a calorie deficit to help preserve muscle mass and promote satiety. However, it should be noted that most athletes already consume more protein than they need. It is often the distribution of protein throughout the day that needs to be adjusted. It is recommended to eat at least four times a day and distribute protein intake as evenly as possible. Dietary sources of protein should also be prioritised over dietary supplements such as protein bars and shakes.
Eating foods high in water (fruits and vegetables) and dietary fiber (vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds) can help promote satiety and meet nutritional needs.
The post-workout period is not the time to fast! It is important to consume a meal or snack that contains protein and carbohydrates.
Finally, it is important to drink enough water to maintain a clear colored urine at all times.
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