It was with a bit of apprehension – I admit – that I went for my annual check up with my doctor this morning. Not that I had any particular reason for worrying about my health since I feel well, but as the years go by… you never know what problems may be lurking around the corner. I had already done my blood tests etc. two weeks earlier so that my doctor would have the results in front of him during the check-up.
What a relief, when my doctor told me verbatim and with a large knowing smile: ‘Your good cholesterol has increased, there is no bad cholesterol, the triglycerides are perfect … everyone should eat like you!’
And yes, my doctor, who I have known for the past 15 years, is well aware of my business venture and he has been encouraging me from the start. And since I practice what I preach by eating exactly what I propose on SOS Cuisine to the 250 000 families who follow us, it’s hardly surprising that this has a positive and tangible impact on my health.
Of course as we all know, eating well is necessary for good health, but this is not enough, because we also have to be physically active. As far as I’m concerned, I do half an hour of swimming twice a week and one and a half hours of yoga once a week at United Yoga Montreal. I would ideally like to be more physically active, but like many of you, I simply can’t find the time because of my work. However I am disciplined and I do it regularly.
Moreover, yoga is important not only for my physical balance, but also for my mental balance. For this reason, I encourage all of you to try it out, even if it’s only once. And if you do continue it, perhaps you’ll end up with your head down, legs in the air and a smile on your lips, just like me in this photo.
I am a tad jealous of you. I exercise 45 minutes, I walk 3 miles a day, I eat sensible, am not overweight, yet my blood pressure is erratic and often sky-high. Take beta blockers, take vitamins.
Must be in my genes.
Wish you well.