Photo: "Nutrition Month 2019", Dietitians of Canada

March is Nutrition Month 2019

February 25, 2019 ,

The beginning of the year 2019 has been a busy one for nutrition news! Beginning with the announcement and roll-out of the new Canada’s Food Guide (for more details on the new Guide, I invite you to read Canada’s Food Guide Had a Makeover), and now it is Nutrition Month this March.

Healthy Meal Plans from SOSCuisine

Campaigns in Canada and the United States have been carrying the same key messages this year. Indeed, we are focusing on the power of food and its role to fuel, make us discover and bring us together, to prevent and to heal. I like the key messages of the campaign in the United States, so I share with you, in summary, the main ones here:

  • Discover the benefits of a “healthy” and balanced diet

When you eat well, you feel good, or at least a little better! You want to test it out? Follow the Healthy Meal Plan and give us an update on how you feel.

  • Choose foods and beverages that support good health

There is not one type of diet that works for everyone … On the other hand, some tips are valid for all: eat more vegetables and fruits, reduce your consumption of animal products, choose water rather than soft drinks or juice.

  • Include a wide variety of foods every day

Want to know more about the importance of variety? I invite you to read the article How to Make Sure You’re Eating a Varied Diet.

  • Be aware of portions and proportions on your plate

This message is very much in line with the new Guide. In fact, the portions have been completely eliminated to make room for proportions. Half of the plate should be filled with vegetables and fruits, one quarter with whole grain foods and the last quarter with foods containing protein.

You wonder “what should this look like day-to-day”? Good news, our meal plans correspond well to the new recommendations! Why not try one?

  • Keep it simple

A healthy diet does not necessarily mean a complicated diet or one that takes a long time to prepare. No need for fancy ingredients or powders and supplements of any kind. Choose low-processed foods and you’re already on the right track.

  • Reduce food waste by shopping in your fridge before going to the grocery store

The best way to reduce the amount of food waste you produce is to take inventory of what you have at home before you go shopping. If the vegetables are wilted, you can easily make a soup. For meat and poultry, if you are not going to consume it within 2-3 days after purchase, it is better to freeze it to keep it fresh. These are just a few tips, here are some articles that should help you reduce your food waste:

*  10 Foods Scraps That You Should Never Throw Away

*  Our Tips: Consuming Food After the Expiry Date

*  Quick Meals: 6 “hey presto” Tips!

Food Waste: Don’t Chuck the Leaves!

Objective: Zero Waste

  • Consult a dietitian for advice and personalized support

Dietitians are the only experts in nutrition. So, if you need help improving your diet, identifying foods that cause you problems, or any other food-related problems, call on the help of a dietitian!


  • Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. (january 2019). National Nutrition Month Celebration Toolkit.
  • Dietitians of Canada. (2019). Nutrition Month 2019.


Jef L'Ecuyer
Member of the Quebec College of Dietitians (ODNQ) and Dietitians of Canada,Jef graduated from McGill University in December 2014. Recently graduated and passionate about culinary arts, Jef poses a simple, effective and practical look at daily meal planning. With this in mind, she works in conjunction with the mission of SOSCuisine...

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