“I am a man in his fifties whose health was not always as good as it is now. In February 2013, I was suffering from several major health problems: medically treated diabetes, very high blood sugar level, high pressure, very overweight… I was not at all in shape. I felt constantly tired and irritable, and out of breath at the slightest exertion… I ate poorly and I did not exercise. I loved soft drinks and eating out in restaurants. In short, I ate badly and did not take care of myself.
I knew that at this rate, I was seriously putting my health and even my life at stake. So I decided to take matters into my own hands.
My wife had heard about SOS Cuisine at her workplace and she told me about their meal plan system. I was excited by what I saw and we decided to subscribe to the Diabetes meal plan. I also approached a clinic specializing in the medical monitoring of fitness and health.
A doctor, nutritionist and kinesiologist monitor my progress in this clinic, but for the food component, I am using SOS Cuisine menus with my nutritionist’s approval. And it has worked!
It wasn’t easy at first, because I was starting from scratch. I had to relearn how to eat well daily and incorporate physical exercise into my life. I had to “relearn” to cook using healthy food. I switched over from soft drinks to water, something I found difficult at the beginning. But after a while, I began to see and more importantly feel the changes. I felt better, and slowly but surely I lost weight and my fitness level improved. And I took greater pleasure in eating well.
What I liked most about SOS Cuisine was their total management of the health food component. Through their menus, they tell us explicitly what, how much and when to eat. They prepare our grocery list for us every week. They provide us with a detailed action plan of recipes. I feel well taken care of and it’s easy for me to adapt totally to my new lifestyle. What’s more, SOS Cuisine menus shouldn’t be seen as “typical” and boring diet menus: for example, yesterday we ate spareribs, and sometimes we even eat hamburgers and pasta!
Jacques with his spouse Suzanne, September 2013
When I decided to change, I became more deeply interested in nutrition. That’s why I appreciate the fact that SOS Cuisine provides me with the precise nutritional content of the menus as well as the serving equivalents of Canada’s Food Guide. Moreover, when my nutritionist found out about my Diabetes meal plan, she saw that it really fit the bill (she simply added an evening snack).
How is my life now? I’ve lost 21 pounds since February 2013. My diabetes-related symptoms have practically disappeared (major tiredness, frequent need to urinate to night, etc.) and I’ve stopped taking medicines! My sugar reading has dropped to a normal level. I feel satisfied after each meal and my wife and I have happily rediscovered the pleasure of cooking healthy and delicious dishes. I feel much fitter: nowadays, I only take the stairs while leaving the subway, and that too, without getting out of breath!
I find that SOS Cuisine is an accessible and affordable way to become healthy again through the food we eat. I am proof that anyone can change his life; it is enough to become aware of the consequences of our choices. For me SOS Cuisine continues to be the “toolbox” that I need to maintain my health every day!”
Jacques B. (Diabetes meal plan)
51 years old
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