On Thursday, 16 February, we were invited to participate – as partner-exhibitor – in the “Stair Climbing Challenge” proposed by CGI to all its employees in Montreal. The challenge was to walk up the 25 floors of the ECP (E-Commerce Place), where CGI is the main tenant. This annual initiative aims to promote a healthy lifestyle.
For each participant, CGI donated $13 to the Sainte-Justine UHC Foundation. The initiative was a success and CGI presented a cheque for $10,000 to the Foundation.
This photo shows Mathieu Bégin, Manager, Health and Wellness Measurement Strategy at CGI, along with our colleague Mahsa Abbas Zadeh, Head of Operations and Customer Services at SOSCuisine. The participation certificate they are proudly displaying suggests that Mahsa also tackled the 25 floors, but she was actually too busy presenting SOSCuisine to the many visitors at the booth.
This was our the second time participating in CGI’s annual event and we really had a great time meeting so many enthusiastic employees in a dynamic atmosphere.
So what about you, have you already taken part in a similar activity at work or elsewhere?
In this picture, you can see the joyful and energetic members of CGI’s Oxygen program, who organized the event. From left to right: Janie Chartré-Bertrand, Joannie Martin-Lacasse, Mathieu Bégin, Ève Bélanger, Johanne Duquette and Brigitte Farly.
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