Artichoke is a good source of fiber (4g in a medium sized artichoke of 250g). The easiest way to eat it is to steam it (after removing the few harder outer leaves) and serve it as is with a vinaigrette dressing in which one leaf is soaked at a time.
This member of the cruciferous family is often disliked because of its bitterness and mushy consistency when it is overcooked. Just cook it “al dente” to preserve its green color and crunchy texture. 4 medium sized cabbages (about 100g) provides 4g of fiber and 4g of net carbohydrates.
We are hearing more and more about their beneficial effects on health and intestinal transit, as they are rich in soluble fibers and omega-3s. Specifically, a tablespoon provides 3g of fiber, 2300 mg of omega-3 and almost zero carbohydrates. For a better absorption of omega-3 they should be ground up before eating.
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