Only the leaves are used. Do not wash but clean them with a wet towel and pat dry between 2 paper towels.
Only the leaves are used, usually dried.
Do not wash.
Wash briefly and blot dry.
Only the leaves are used. Wash briefly and blot dry.
Wash briefly and blot dry.
Peel by scraping off the skin with a knife or vegetable peeler. Grate, chop, or slice as per the recipe.
Ginger can be kept fresh if stored in an airtight container, or well wrapped, in
the freezer. Frozen ginger also has the advantage of making grating easier and
giving finer particles.
Strip off the fibrous outer leaves and keep only the softer part. Slice, finely chop, or bruise and use whole as per the recipe.
Only the leaves are used. Do not wash.
Only the leaves are used. Wash briefly and blot dry.
Only the leaves are used. Wash briefly and blot dry.
Do not wash. Use either a whole sprig or the leaves only as per the recipe.
Only the leaves are used. Do not wash.
Usually used dried. If fresh, do not wash and use only the leaves.
Do not wash.
Do not wash. If the stems are woody, use only the leaves.