As the warmer weather approaches, you’re probably thinking about taking charge of your health and improving your lifestyle. When wanting to introduce such changes, you need to set up strategies to make them sustainable.
A common mistake in the healthy food arena is to rule out many coveted foods, that supposedly contain too much fat, sugar, or salt, without considering substitutes. This restrictive approach will only increase the risk of compulsive behavior and harm your chances of long term change.
So here are a few healthy substitutes for five of your favourite foods.
Reinvent this classic favourite and transform it into a perfect accompaniment for all meals. Take a potato, sweet potato, zucchini, or turnip, cut it into strips and spread them on an oven tray. You can enhance the flavour of your vegetables with a wide variety of seasonings, like Cajun spices, smoked paprika, or onion powder. To make your “fries” even crunchier, place them about one inch apart.
Other healthy ”indulge-me” recipes:
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