Chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases can be prevented by not smoking, exercising and a following a healthy diet. As obesity is the common denominator in all these diseases, relearning how to cook has become a priority, in order to reap the extraordinary benefits of a healthy diet on our health and wellbeing.
The SOSCuisine website is, in this respect, remarkably well built and it enables all those who want to discover simple and healthy recipes, to benefit from the incredible work that has gone into the development of the website..
In fact, the SOSCuisine formula helps to put into practice the most recent prevention-related recommendations, by proposing menus based on fresh, non-processed ingredients, and which are within everyone’s reach as they are reasonably priced and easy to prepare. I congratulate the whole SOSCuisine team and encourage them to continue.
Richard Béliveau, Ph. D.
Director, Laboratory of Molecular Medicine, UQÀM Université du Québec à Montréal
In February 2013, I was suffering from several major health problems: medically treated diabetes, very high blood sugar level, high pressure, very overweight? I felt constantly tired and irritable, and out of breath at the slightest exertion? I ate poorly, did not exercise and did not take care of myself. I knew that at this rate, I was seriously putting my health and even my life at stake. So I decided to take matters into my own hands.
My wife had heard about SOS Cuisine at her workplace and she told me about their meal plan system. I was excited by what I saw and we decided to subscribe to the Diabetes meal plan.
What I liked most about SOS Cuisine was their total management of the health food component. Through their menus, they tell us explicitly what, how much and when to eat. I feel well taken care of and it’s easy for me to adapt totally to my new lifestyle. What’s more, SOS Cuisine menus shouldn’t be seen as “typical” and boring diet menus: for example, yesterday we ate spareribs, and sometimes we even eat hamburgers and pasta!
I find that SOS Cuisine is an accessible and affordable way to become healthy again through the food we eat. For me, SOS Cuisine continues to be the “toolbox” that I need to maintain my health every day! Read more.
Jacques B.
Subscribed to the Diabetes Meal Plans
I’ve been following your SOSCuisine menus for the past 4 to 5 years now. I even talk about it to everyone as the service that brought healthy cooking and eating back into our lives. Here are the reasons that motivate me to use the services of SOSCuisine.
1. My spouse has type 1 diabetes (insulin dependent) and has been carrying an insulin pump for the past 5 years. This means that for everything he eats, the carbohydrates have to be calculated as exactly as possible. SOS provides us with the nutritional information we require to balance the menu and also to do this calculation of carbs. In fact, the Department of Dietetics in my husband’s hospital checked the accuracy of the provided information and reassured us by saying that your service was more than professional and reliable. Thank you!
2. I work full-time and my home is about an hour’s drive from my place of work. I often finish work late in the evening, and I’m usually not back home before 19H00. A bit late to start making dinner and my spouse has no cooking skills to speak of except making peanut butter toasts? So his balanced and carbohydrate-calculated meals have to be ready in advance (Phew, thank god he knows how to use a microwave!).
3. The gourmet SOSCuisine menu has introduced us to new foods and new ways of preparing them; we eat everything, we like eating well and we owe it to ourselves to eat properly. Even after 4 or 5 years, I’m still receiving new recipes! I love how the daily meal plans are balanced: a meal with fish, a vegetarian meal, recipes from around the world, new spices, new foods: thank you!
4. These days, before I leave work on Thursday or Friday, I slightly tweak my new weekly meal plan (I mostly remove the desserts), I alter my shopping list accordingly and send it to my iPhone. I do my grocery shopping, bring it all home and over the weekend, we prepare five days worth of meals for the week! (apart from making toast, my spouse is able to cut the veggies and do the washing up LOL)
So now you get why I’m satisfied;-)).
I seriously think that SOSCuisine should be nominated as a benefactor of humanity.
Line B. (Ile-d’Orléans, QC, Canada)
Subscribed to Healthy with Pleasure Meal Plans (2 people household)
I greatly appreciate all the time saved since I don’t have to do the research. One of the things I appreciate the most is the serving choice. We are only 2 in this family. I am proceeding slowly in trying the new recipes but so far, I make the 2 portions, decide if it is a keeper, then will re-check the recipe to make bigger portions so I can have pre-prepared meals.
It was well worth the money. It will without a doubt lead to a healthier lifestyle.
Claudette D. (Chelmsford, ON, Canada)
Subscribed to Meal Plans for Diabetes
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am very satisfied with the mealplan.
I have had diabetes for 3 years now and had been having trouble loosing weight. I had a dietician, but it would last 2-3 weeks then I would give up figuring out my meals.
I have joined SOS cuisine since you started a few years back. Just the fact that you take the pressure of not having to figure out every meal and try to balance it all has been so wonderful. I thank you so much. My bloodsugar level is great and i’m loosing weight.
Every week i am excited to see what my next mealplan will be. My husband and I really like the variety of it all. We are very big fans of your soups, oh my they are so good and the spices in them.
My husband is not diabetic, don’t need to loose weight but he enjoys the meals. I’m happy because he used to eat lots of desserts he has a sweet tooth, but ever since I started the mealplan, he eats as i do.
I am so happy I joined the mealplans! My cousin joined the weight loss plan; she also enjoys it very much.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for having planned this all out and making it so easy for us just to follow. You are helping so many people. Appreciate all the hard work you and your team are doing. Keep up the good work.
Linda D., a very happy suscriber (Vankleek Hill, ON, Canada)
Subscribed to Meal Plans for Diabetes
I love this approach and have recommended it to my doctor because the guesswork is taken out of the equation and the food is tasty too! My wife and I are cooking together for the first time in our 40 years together. It is a great benefit. Thanks.
Glen B. (Anola, MB Canada)
Subscribed to Meal Plans for Diabetes
I have been very happy with the service. I did not feel I was on a diet since everything I tried was so tasty. We learned to cook fish. My glucose got in control within the third week and I have lost 25 lbs gradually over 6 months. Best part is the education about the quantities we should eat, now I know what and how much to order when I am travelling.
Ken L. (Montreal, QC, Canada)
Subscribed to Meal Plans for Diabetes
This was much better than Weight Watcher. I have lost weight and eaten tasty meals. My doctor is happy now that my glucose and blood pressure are under control. I want to continue, beacause it helps me stay motivated.
Jackie W. (Montreal, QC, Canada)
Subscribed to Meal Plans for Diabetes
First, let me say that the ability to change menus within the meal plan is a wonderful tool. I have a shellfish allergy, so it is nice to find a group of suitable menus that I can substitute for shrimp or scallops menus with just a click of a button. And the recipes are quick, easy and delicious. Hubby says I am a great cook now :=)
Gillian G. (Winnipeg, MB, Canada)
Subscribed to Hypoglycemia Meal Plans (2 person household)
It is now well established that the incidence of cardiovascular diseases can be reduced by about 80% by adopting a healthy lifestyle: Following the Mediterranean diet, quitting smoking, staying physically active and maintaining a healthy weight.
It is also well known that changing one’s diet is the most difficult challenge. In addition, the media keeps publishing contradictory information about what to eat and not to eat, which makes it difficult to know what to do. This confusion stems from the fact that most studies focus on single foods, categories of foods, or supplements, whereas food should be studied from a global perspective. When studying diet in such an encompassing way, all serious research over the last 20 years showed that the Mediterranean diet is beneficial to cardiovascular health as well as overall health.
Indeed, the Mediterranean diet contributes to reducing the risk of several cancers, helps prevent diabetes, prevents cognitive decline and reduces the risk of dementia.
Moreover, when going for the Mediterranean diet, we quickly notice that it is not only easy to adopt, but also very pleasant to maintain. SOS Cuisine is a very high quality tool to facilitate the adoption and maintenance of a Mediterranean diet. The website is built in a very professional manner and it is convenient to use. We recommend SOS Cuisine to all our patients, as well as to all those who wish to improve their diet.
It is therefore with great enthusiasm that we embarked on this partnership with SOS Cuisine.
Dr. Martin Juneau, MD, MPs, FRCP(C), F.A.C.C.
Cardiologist, Director of Prevention, Montreal Heart Institute, Clinical Full Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Montreal
Research has shown that predefined meal plans greatly contribute to the adoption of better eating habits, which is one of the three keys to reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, along with exercise and abstinence from smoking.
The SOS Cuisine ‘heart-healthy’ meal plans take into consideration personal requirements and preferences and meet the latest nutritional recommendations.
Dr. George Honos
Head of Cardiology, University of Montreal’s Health Center Montreal
For many years now, a nutritional approach has been recognized as the cornerstone of prevention and treatment of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes and excess weight.
Over the past ten years or so, the Montreal Heart Institute’s EPIC Centre has been advising its patients and members to adopt the Mediterranean diet. Rich in fruits and vegetables, whole-grain products, vegetable protein, good quality fat and very limited in concentrated sugars and salt, its benefits have been demonstrated beyond doubt in numerous scientific studies.
SOSCuisine’s Heart Healthy meal plan ensures that all the nutritional principles taught in the EPIC Centre are respected. This tool makes it possible to receive full menus for better planning of meals.
Élise Latour, RD
Registered Dietitian, EPIC Centre
Chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases can be prevented by not smoking, exercising and a following a healthy diet. As obesity is the common denominator in all these diseases, relearning how to cook has become a priority, in order to reap the extraordinary benefits of a healthy diet on our health and wellbeing.
The SOSCuisine website is, in this respect, remarkably well built and it enables all those who want to discover simple and healthy recipes, to benefit from the incredible work that has gone into the development of the website..
In fact, the SOSCuisine formula helps to put into practice the most recent prevention-related recommendations, by proposing menus based on fresh, non-processed ingredients, and which are within everyone’s reach as they are reasonably priced and easy to prepare. I congratulate the whole SOSCuisine team and encourage them to continue.
Richard Béliveau, Ph. D.
Director, Laboratory of Molecular Medicine, UQÀM Université du Québec à Montréal
Since my husband had a heart attack, about 2 years ago, I have been very concerned of overall life balance, exercise, and being knowledgeable about your blood cholesterol and blood pressure, all in an effort to reduce risk for another attack.
I’m finding the menus and recipes very useful, helping on what we should do-lots of vegetables and fruit, low fat meats and fish etc.
After 45 years of meal planning on my own, I found fresh inspiration and new foods. My husband loves it and his blood pressure and cholesterol have never been this good.
Maureen P. (Kamloops, BC, Canada)
Subscribed to Meal Plans for a Healthy Heart